The Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is the body which issues special permits for those uses permitted by the Ordinance; grants variances for Use and Area and interprets provisions of the Ordinance upon appeal of decisions of the Zoning Officer. The seven member board meets the third Wednesday evening of each month at 7:00pm.

Zoning Board Members:
James Falvo – Chairman
Sean Lukas – Vice Chairman
Terry Aubin, Jr.
James Akey
James Francesconi
Matthew Favro (Attorney for Both PB & ZBA)

Zoning Ordinance: 
Town of Peru, NY Zoning Law

Zoning Maps: 
Zoning Districts
Hamlet Area Zoning Insert
Overlay District
Hamlet Area Overlay Districts
Use Table

Zoning Board Application
for Use Varience, Area Variance,
Special Permitted Use, Interpretation,
Change or Expansion of a Nonconforming Use, and Temporay Permit.

Zoning Board applications and plans must be filed by the 15th of the month.

Zoning Meeting Minutes for 2024:
January 2024 (no meeting)
February 2024 (no meeting)
March 2024 (no meeting)
April 2024

Zoning Meeting Minutes for 2023:
January 2022 (no meeting)
February 2022 (no meeting)
March 2022 (no meeting)
April 2022
May 2022
June 2023

July 2023
August 2023
  (no meeting)
September 2023  (no meeting)
October 2023  (no meeting)
November 2023
December 2023
  (no meeting)

For older minutes contact the Town Clerk
518-643-2745 Ext. 102 