Welcome to Peru
Clinton County, New York 

Town Hall Meeting Schedule:
(all meetings are located in the upstairs of the Town Hall unless otherwise noted)

Town Board Emergency Meeting: Wednesday, February 12 at 1:00PM AGENDA
Purpose of the meeting is immediate Executive Session to discuss personnel issue.

Town Board Meeting: Monday February 24 at 6:00PM

The Codes Office is working toward updating the Zoning Law for Peru. 

We have teamed up with the Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board to help. We have developed a community survey for input and community information. 

Please contact the Peru Codes Office with questions.

518-643-2745 Ext. 103 
Email: peruzoning@perutown.com 

The survey can be found at:  https://forms.gle/dRYL46rFXymXQgPw6

Dear Water district customers:

The Town of Peru water district is required to comply with the EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR). This is an EPA-issued regulation detailing how communities must address lead within their public water supply. To help comply with this regulation we ask that all water district customers fill out the survey that is being mailed with this quarters water bills and reply ASAP.

If you do not receive one you can find an online version here.

Each survey will have a QR code which will direct you to the online version to fill out or simply fill out the paper copy and return it with your water bill.

Thank you for your continued support

Clinton County Solid Waste & Recycling Survey

Youth Programs can be found on the Peru Rec Desk

LPark Fee Resolution & Application Form (pdf)

Letter from the County Assessor

Why Families are choosing to call Peru home

Town of Peru Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Public Employee Health Emergency Plan for the Town of Peru

Court Location:

22 Davey Drive, Peru, NY 12972
(Off Bearswamp Road, behind McDonalds, & Langley Insurance)
Phone: (518) 643-4187
Fax: (518) 643-4188

The Little Ausable River Trail

The Town of Peru has built a chip seal paved trail to offer residents and visitors an opportunity to enjoy a variety of healthy outdoor activities within a beautiful and varied natural environment. The trail will also protect and interpret the important historic sites of Heyworth/Mason Park and a section of the D&H rail line, both instrumental to the Town’s development.

The trailhead is in Heyworth/Mason Park just off Mason Hill Rd in the hamlet of Peru.
With parking, benches, picnic tables, historic interpretive signage and a beautiful 1836 stone mill, it’s a great place to start your adventure.  The trail covers 1.25 miles, from Heyworth/Mason Park to the entrance to Sullivan Park on Route 22.  You can then use the sidewalk to connect back to the trailhead, for a 2.25 mile loop.
(see map)

It’s an interesting trip with massive cottonwoods, a planted pine forest, open fields
and the river. It seems to be an excellent birding site as well.  We now have several benches installed. Enjoy!
Thank You     Trail Rules     Birds spotted on Trail  

Clinton County Real Property Office
Assessmant Rolls
Standard Work Day & Reporting Resolution for Elected & Appointed Officials